
  • 高清


    电影 《电影之光:卓别林的艺界人生》剧情介绍

    《电影之光:卓别林的艺界人生》主演:RobertDowneyJr CharlesChaplin 的电影 该剧剧情: Narrated by Sydney Pollack, film critic Richard Schickel's dazzling two-hour plus documentary to one of the towering figures in film: Charles Chaplin. Hardcore Chaplin fans may not find much new material here, but more unfamiliar admirers will gain some valuable information about one of the most famous personalities of the 20th century. Schickel has constructed the documentary as a chronological survey of Chaplin's work, starting with his most significant shorts and covering all of his featur...私人电影院纪录片栏目为您提供《电影之光:卓别林的艺界人生》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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